I wanted to let folks know that I’ve discounted 48 States as an e-book on Amazon for the next few weeks to ensure everyone can grab a copy for their summer reading. Once you’ve read your copy, all I ask is that you give it an honest review on a platform of your choice.

Additionally, I’ve pasted a list of links to other outlets that are selling the book below. If you have a favorite independent bookstore that isn’t listed here, that’s okay! Go in or call and ask them if they carry 48 States or to order it! Most independent bookstores are carrying 48 States!

If you haven’t seen it yet, here is my most recent author interview. All other interviews and reviews are on my website under the Press tab.

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and responses to 48 States. Since the book launched last month, the reviews have been very positive. I’m gratified and hope you will enjoy 48 States, too. Happy reading and stay tuned for a calendar of events starting with a reading at Barnes & Noble in August. And if you’re not already, please follow me on my Instagram and Facebook and check out my website.

– Evette

Darvill’s Bookstore, Washington


Orca Books, Washington


Flying Pig Bookstore, Vermont


Yankee Bookshop, Vermont


RJ Julia, Connecticut (I love this bookstore)


Changing Hands, Arizona (another fantastic indie!)


Kew & Willow, New York


Bronx River Books, New York


Shermans, Maine


The Twig, Texas


The Book Catapult, San Diego, CA


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