I’m so excited to be back with another author interview! This time it’s with Evette Davis who’s telling us all about her newest book, 48 States, a near-future dystopian novel set primarily in North Dakota and Wyoming.
I read this as soon as I got it in the mail because, if you’ve been here for a while, you know dystopias are one of my favorite book genres, if not my favorite.
I read 48 States in just a couple of days and I really enjoyed it. It even made it onto my list of favorite dystopian books (and not just because of the interview, I actually really liked it.)
So, here is the wonderful interview with Evette Davis, author of 48 States! Enjoy!
READ THE FULL INTERVIEW ON HER WEBSITE BY CLICKING HERE! https://heyimreading.com/2022/11/19/author-interview-evette-davis-an-48-states/