Final Newsletter of 2021

This is it. My last blog/newsletter for 2021. I’ve got to stop marketing myself and get down to writing, or I will never publish two novels in 2022. Here are some final thoughts to ponder, until we meet again: San Francisco Writers Conference Fiction Contest. I’m thrilled to announce that 48 States was chosen as […]

Choosing Your Soundtrack

I’m not sure what other people daydream about, but lately I’ve been obsessed with what the soundtrack for my books would sound like if they were ever turned into a television series or a movie. (I’ve also thought about directors – but that is a blog for another time.)  I know you’re thinking, Evette, a […]

I DARE You to Read this Newsletter

While in my adolescence in the 1980’s – when there were no smartphones, Internet or WiFi – playing truth or dare was probably one of the first ways in which I was introduced to the thrill of being scared. Painfully shy, I dreaded the dare almost as much as the truth since it almost always […]

Here’s to Scary Monsters and Super Creeps

Happy Halloween, almost. It’s astonishing that this year is nearly over.  Time has been simultaneously dragging on and flying by as we grapple with the horror of a global pandemic and the terrible loss of life. We’re almost two years into what would normally be considered the stuff of a cinema blockbuster: a fast moving […]

Let’s Talk About Sex

Years ago, my husband informed his aunt that I’d written a novel. “Does it have sex in it?” She asked. “People like to read about sex.” His aunt was right of course. Many readers do like to read about sex. Today, thanks to self-publishing and e-books, readers have a wide range of choices that run […]

How A Failed Playwright Became a Novelist

There would never have been a Dark Horse Trilogy if I hadn’t been such an utter failure as a playwright. Olivia and her spirit guide Elsa represent the evolution of an idea about a successful female political consultant, who through a series of unforeseen events finds herself marginally employed and halfway to being a full-time […]

Send in the Swallows

July was a big month. Not only did I complete the first draft of the final installment in the Dark Horse Trilogy – lovingly called Book 3 for now, but I also completed a second story I’d been working on through tattoos. Brücius von Xylander, the owner and genius behind Black Serum Tattoo Studio, recently […]

Hurra! Libraries are Open Again

One aspect of our on-going pandemic that has not gotten a lot of attention was the total closure of our public libraries. In mid-June San Francisco signaled that it would slowly begin reopening its Main Library and neighborhood branches after more than a year of closure. For me, this was the equivalent of seeing the […]

48 States is on Vella!

Here is a super easy way to check out my new novel, 48 STATES, on Kindle Vella… It is being delivered right to your inbox! Head to this link to follow and start reading my newest piece chapter—by-chapter. There are two chapters already live, so go catch up so you can get ready for the next one. […]

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