Dark Horse Picks Up Honorable Mention in San Francisco Book Festival!

  I am excited to announce that Dark Horse, Book #2 in the Dark Horse Trilogy, recently picked up an Honorable Mention award in General Fiction at the San Francisco Book Festival! I am thrilled to have placed among inspiring writers like Gerard LaSalle, Terry Irving, and Catriona McPherson. This is a major milestone for any […]

Josef, Part Deux,

Strange bedfellows made its way into our vernacular for a reason, and just like our rubbernecking on a freeway at a car crash, we can’t help but watch – errr read – with fascination when a couple that shouldn’t be together, is.

Dark Horse: the music & the concept

I’m not talking about Katy Perry; I actually didn’t know anything about her song when I started writing Dark Horse. My eleven-year-old daughter introduced me to it, proclaiming me “cool” for having come up with idea first. Not sure I can make that claim…but the concept of a Dark Horse has been rolling around at […]

Dark Horse Goodreads Giveaway & Amazon Freebies

Happy Friday! To celebrate the release of Dark Horse and a stellar launch party at Green Apple Books this week, I’m giving away a free copy to 50 winners of the Dark Horse Goodreads Giveaway. I hope you’ll enter for a chance to win below! We know many people haven’t had a chance to read […]

Dark Horse Official Release and Launch Party!

I’m excited to announce the release of my second novel Dark Horse, Book 2 in the Dark Horse Trilogy! As of today you can officially find it on both Amazon and Goodreads! To celebrate, we are having a launching party on November 5th at Green Apple Books complete with drinks, appetizers, music, tarot card reading, […]

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