In Praise of Moderation

Moderation isn’t sexy. Romeo and Juliette did not burn with an even-keeled temperament and devotion to compromise and civility. In the film adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility” ( screenplay by the incomparable Emma Thompson), Elinor is excoriated by her sister Marianne for offering a less than passionate response when asked about a paramour. […]

Libraries Deliver Democracy

Last month, I was honored to attend the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library Laureates Gala as a 2017 Library Laureate alongside many accomplished authors, poets and library advocates.

Behaving Like It’s 1942

It took a lot of cajoling but I finally made myself pick up the paper last Sunday, too afraid to read the headlines. It’s one thing to think your country is going to hell in a hand basket; it’s another to confirm it. So, I gingerly made my way around the headlines, thanking the ACLU […]

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