Conjuring up Jewish Vampires

Who’s ever heard of a Jewish Vampire? I hadn’t, but he came to be nevertheless. He arrived in my imagination, a product of that murderous chaos, a member of the resistance killed by the Germans and saved by a vampire who gives him immortality.

How to Choose A Villain

It was in my first novel, which has never been published or really seen the light of day, that I first experimented with the idea of a Balkan criminal. To some it may seem disrespectful; but it’s actually quite the opposite. This may reveal something about me, I’ll regret sharing later, but I’m enthralled with […]

The Ghosts of Serbia

People often ask me, why Serbia? Why include such a remote, unfamiliar place in your novel? Why make one of the main characters Serbian? I can only tell you that if you knew the countries that make up what was once Yugoslavia, then you’d understand…

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