The best science fiction, fantasy, and dystopian stories for the bada** feminist in all of us

Written in collaboration with Shepard, a book review website! Read the reasoning behind why I chose these books on Shepard’s website at: The books I picked: 1) Dark Witch By Nora Roberts 2) A Discovery of Witches By Deborah Harkness 3) The Dragon of New Orleans By Genevieve Jack 4) Polaris RisingBy Jessie Mihalik […]

Spring Reads

While in Paris, some women may choose to indulge in the romance of the city by burying their noses into their favorite Nora Roberts or Danielle Steele. I’d rather pick up a good dystopian thriller any day…well, most days šŸ˜‰ . As I make my way through Europe towards Paris, you too can be catching […]

Josef, Part Deux,

Strange bedfellows made its way into our vernacular for a reason, and just like our rubbernecking on a freeway at a car crash, we canā€™t help but watch ā€“ errr read – with fascination when a couple that shouldnā€™t be together, is.

How to Choose A Villain

It was in my first novel, which has never been published or really seen the light of day, that I first experimented with the idea of a Balkan criminal. To some it may seem disrespectful; but itā€™s actually quite the opposite. This may reveal something about me, Iā€™ll regret sharing later, but Iā€™m enthralled with […]

The Ghosts of Serbia

People often ask me, why Serbia? Why include such a remote, unfamiliar place in your novel? Why make one of the main characters Serbian? I can only tell you that if you knew the countries that make up what was once Yugoslavia, then youā€™d understandā€¦

New Orleans and its binding spell….

Walking through New Orleans last week, my mouth curled up into a little smirk. One stroll down Esplanade Ave, itā€™s lush trees and vines glowing in the pale light of an autumn moon, and I understood why so many writers called this place home, or want to.

The Amazing Blog Tour Continues… Pass it on

Last week Andrea Dunlop tagged me ā€œitā€ and asked me to participate in a blog tour. Iā€™m publishing my answers today and passing the baton to two other talented writers – more about them in a minute.

When Things Go Wrong, Send in the Women

Iā€™m obsessed with female leaders and their portrayal in entertainment. Are great women leaders seen as ruthless? Sexy? Brittle and sarcastic? Or are they kind, but firm, leading through inspiration instead of intimidation. For me, creating a compelling female character is tricky. Too many portrayals of women in popular culture repeat outdated stereotypes or reinforce […]

Don’t Judge A Book By Its Genre

Have you heard this one? A witch and a vampire walk into a bar and have a drink. They fall in love, but are forbidden to have a relationship. A conflict ensues and they spend the next three books trying to overcome prejudice, political malice, and murderous behavior. How would you describe that book to […]

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