I am delighted to announce that WOMAN KING is now available for sale on Amazon.com and Smashwords.com. Thank you to everybody who showed your support at the book’s May 9 launch party in San Francisco. Many copies were sold there, but you still can get yours now!

For those of you who have followed the novel since its debut with JukePop Serials and helped to make it one of the Top 20 stories, I want to extend my sincere thanks. Please visit my website, www.evettedavis.com and follow me on Twitter, @SFEvette.
If you’re in the Bay Area, you can join me for a reading and discussion that I’ll hold on June 5 at the San Francisco Main Library. Details are on my website.
I hope you’ll enjoy my writing, share your feedback, and please remember to tell your friends about WOMAN KING!