End of Summer Newsletter
And some important dates for 48 States! August 27 – Book Signing at Barnes & Noble, San Jose, noon. September 13 – Book Launch Party, 620 Jones, 6-8 p.m. October 14 – Litquake, time and location TBD. Hello! The dog days of summer—those sultry middle days of the season—are behind us as we enjoy what’s […]
How A Failed Playwright Became a Novelist

There would never have been a Dark Horse Trilogy if I hadn’t been such an utter failure as a playwright. Olivia and her spirit guide Elsa represent the evolution of an idea about a successful female political consultant, who through a series of unforeseen events finds herself marginally employed and halfway to being a full-time […]
Send in the Swallows

July was a big month. Not only did I complete the first draft of the final installment in the Dark Horse Trilogy – lovingly called Book 3 for now, but I also completed a second story I’d been working on through tattoos. Brücius von Xylander, the owner and genius behind Black Serum Tattoo Studio, recently […]