Choosing Your Soundtrack

I’m not sure what other people daydream about, but lately I’ve been obsessed with what the soundtrack for my books would sound like if they were ever turned into a television series or a movie. (I’ve also thought about directors – but that is a blog for another time.) I know you’re thinking, Evette, a […]
Bittersweet Endings: What Happens to the Characters When You Finish Your Novel ?

After eight years, I’ve finally finished the third book in my trilogy. Because I like a challenge, I accidentally on purpose stuck writing another novel in the middle of what was already a long process – nevertheless, a first draft of Book 3 is safely tucked in a file folder on my desk, as I […]
Send in the Swallows

July was a big month. Not only did I complete the first draft of the final installment in the Dark Horse Trilogy – lovingly called Book 3 for now, but I also completed a second story I’d been working on through tattoos. Brücius von Xylander, the owner and genius behind Black Serum Tattoo Studio, recently […]