New Year’s Giveaway!
Hello everybody! In celebration of the new year and 48 States getting named one of the Best Indie Books in 2022, I’m hosting a giveaway! 20 lucky winners will be sent a copy of all 3 of my books, a Flesh & Bone Publishing tote bag, and two pins that feature characters from my books! […]
A Season of Endings and New Beginnings
I meant to write this newsletter in December, but things took an unexpected turn, and what was shaping up to be a triumphant end of the year was overshadowed by sudden grief… It’s astonishing how you can experience tremendous happiness and heart-wrenching loss in almost the same breath. When it happens in a novel, it’s […]
Choosing Your Soundtrack

I’m not sure what other people daydream about, but lately I’ve been obsessed with what the soundtrack for my books would sound like if they were ever turned into a television series or a movie. (I’ve also thought about directors – but that is a blog for another time.) I know you’re thinking, Evette, a […]
Let’s Talk About Sex
Years ago, my husband informed his aunt that I’d written a novel. “Does it have sex in it?” She asked. “People like to read about sex.” His aunt was right of course. Many readers do like to read about sex. Today, thanks to self-publishing and e-books, readers have a wide range of choices that run […]
How A Failed Playwright Became a Novelist

There would never have been a Dark Horse Trilogy if I hadn’t been such an utter failure as a playwright. Olivia and her spirit guide Elsa represent the evolution of an idea about a successful female political consultant, who through a series of unforeseen events finds herself marginally employed and halfway to being a full-time […]
Bittersweet Endings: What Happens to the Characters When You Finish Your Novel ?

After eight years, I’ve finally finished the third book in my trilogy. Because I like a challenge, I accidentally on purpose stuck writing another novel in the middle of what was already a long process – nevertheless, a first draft of Book 3 is safely tucked in a file folder on my desk, as I […]
More On Music

Grant Lee Buffalo: I’m in Love with a Band that Broke up 20 Years Ago I want you to meet my new love interests: Grant Lee Buffalo. Too bad the band is from twenty years ago. What happened? How did I only now stumble on to the melancholy genius of these guys? No explanation. Thank […]
Why I Love New Orleans

I miss New Orleans. I was there last March and arrived back home in San Francisco just as the Shelter in Place (SIP) was about to be issued. It was surreal to go from a place full of people to a city emptied out overnight. Of course New Orleans soon had its own shutdown, but […]
Does the Tattoo Change the Woman?

I waited a long time to get a tattoo. I put it off for twenty years while I fretted that it would give people the wrong impression about me as I started my public relations firm. Then I was worried it would somehow damage my credibility when I became a mother. But I never lost […]
Playlists Are the Characters

Music has always been an important part of my life. I have memories of listening to Cheap Trick’s Live at Budokan as a kid, and then as a teenager experimenting with everything from Japan to Aerosmith as I explored music and self-identity. As a writer, I’ve used playlists as a way to inspire myself and […]