Send in the Swallows

July was a big month. Not only did I complete the first draft of the final installment in the Dark Horse Trilogy – lovingly called Book 3 for now, but I also completed a second story I’d been working on through tattoos. Brücius von Xylander, the owner and genius behind Black Serum Tattoo Studio, recently […]
Hurra! Libraries are Open Again

One aspect of our on-going pandemic that has not gotten a lot of attention was the total closure of our public libraries. In mid-June San Francisco signaled that it would slowly begin reopening its Main Library and neighborhood branches after more than a year of closure. For me, this was the equivalent of seeing the […]
When Life is Stranger than Fiction

I love this photo of the Skystar in Golden Gate Park. For me, it’s simultaneously romantic and creepy – the lights sparkling in the twilight of an emptied almost dystopian landscape thanks to the pandemic and San Francisco’s shelter in place order. It’s the kind of thing you would read about in THE STAND or […]
Don’t Judge A Book By Its Genre
Have you heard this one? A witch and a vampire walk into a bar and have a drink. They fall in love, but are forbidden to have a relationship. A conflict ensues and they spend the next three books trying to overcome prejudice, political malice, and murderous behavior. How would you describe that book to […]