Author Q&A- Jenna Miles “The Catch”
We asked Jenna Miles, author of “The Catch”, about her journey with literature, the writing world, and tips for fellow authors. See what she says below! If you could have dinner with another author (alive or dead), who would it be? I would love to chat with William Shakespeare over a pint or two! I […]
Things are Getting Pretty Spooky- October Newsletter
Facing Your Fears as a Writer It’s becoming increasingly challenging to one-up reality as a fiction writer. I’m trying to write about unimaginable situations, not front-page headlines, yet every day, I see the lines blurring. Halloween is today, but if you want to think about a real horror show, circle November 8th on your calendar […]
End of Summer Newsletter
And some important dates for 48 States! August 27 – Book Signing at Barnes & Noble, San Jose, noon. September 13 – Book Launch Party, 620 Jones, 6-8 p.m. October 14 – Litquake, time and location TBD. Hello! The dog days of summer—those sultry middle days of the season—are behind us as we enjoy what’s […]
Bittersweet Endings: What Happens to the Characters When You Finish Your Novel ?

After eight years, I’ve finally finished the third book in my trilogy. Because I like a challenge, I accidentally on purpose stuck writing another novel in the middle of what was already a long process – nevertheless, a first draft of Book 3 is safely tucked in a file folder on my desk, as I […]
Hurra! Libraries are Open Again

One aspect of our on-going pandemic that has not gotten a lot of attention was the total closure of our public libraries. In mid-June San Francisco signaled that it would slowly begin reopening its Main Library and neighborhood branches after more than a year of closure. For me, this was the equivalent of seeing the […]
Why I Love New Orleans

I miss New Orleans. I was there last March and arrived back home in San Francisco just as the Shelter in Place (SIP) was about to be issued. It was surreal to go from a place full of people to a city emptied out overnight. Of course New Orleans soon had its own shutdown, but […]
Does the Tattoo Change the Woman?

I waited a long time to get a tattoo. I put it off for twenty years while I fretted that it would give people the wrong impression about me as I started my public relations firm. Then I was worried it would somehow damage my credibility when I became a mother. But I never lost […]
When Life is Stranger than Fiction

I love this photo of the Skystar in Golden Gate Park. For me, it’s simultaneously romantic and creepy – the lights sparkling in the twilight of an emptied almost dystopian landscape thanks to the pandemic and San Francisco’s shelter in place order. It’s the kind of thing you would read about in THE STAND or […]

Witch: 1. A person, esp. A woman, who professes or is supposed to practice magic, esp. Black magic; sorceress. 2. Slang. An ugly or malignant woman; hag. 3. A person who uses a divining rod. 4. To affect by or as by witchcraft; bewitch; charm. Witch is a complicated word. At its worst, throughout history […]
Between the Lines: Cecelia Holland
After a bit of a hiatus, SF in SF reappeared at the exquisite Book Club of California on Sutter Street. I was in the mood to get my SF on, so I went over to listen to the inexhaustible Kim Stanley Robinson, author of 2312 the Red Mars series and Cecelia Holland, an equally prolific speculative […]