Let’s Talk About Sex
Years ago, my husband informed his aunt that I’d written a novel. “Does it have sex in it?” She asked. “People like to read about sex.” His aunt was right of course. Many readers do like to read about sex. Today, thanks to self-publishing and e-books, readers have a wide range of choices that run […]
Bittersweet Endings: What Happens to the Characters When You Finish Your Novel ?

After eight years, I’ve finally finished the third book in my trilogy. Because I like a challenge, I accidentally on purpose stuck writing another novel in the middle of what was already a long process – nevertheless, a first draft of Book 3 is safely tucked in a file folder on my desk, as I […]
Why I Love New Orleans

I miss New Orleans. I was there last March and arrived back home in San Francisco just as the Shelter in Place (SIP) was about to be issued. It was surreal to go from a place full of people to a city emptied out overnight. Of course New Orleans soon had its own shutdown, but […]
How to Choose A Villain

It was in my first novel, which has never been published or really seen the light of day, that I first experimented with the idea of a Balkan criminal. To some it may seem disrespectful; but it’s actually quite the opposite. This may reveal something about me, I’ll regret sharing later, but I’m enthralled with […]
Dark Horse: the music & the concept
I’m not talking about Katy Perry; I actually didn’t know anything about her song when I started writing Dark Horse. My eleven-year-old daughter introduced me to it, proclaiming me “cool” for having come up with idea first. Not sure I can make that claim…but the concept of a Dark Horse has been rolling around at […]
Don’t Judge A Book By Its Genre
Have you heard this one? A witch and a vampire walk into a bar and have a drink. They fall in love, but are forbidden to have a relationship. A conflict ensues and they spend the next three books trying to overcome prejudice, political malice, and murderous behavior. How would you describe that book to […]